Sunday, February 23, 2014

Nudge - Week 8 - Counting Buddhas

Week 8

Counting Buddhas

I drew these little Jizos for a children's book I created a couple of years ago. Now I ask you to use these eight Jizos for your inspirational nudge for week #8.  Feel free to print them off, color them, make them your own and paste them into your journal page this week.   Encourage your child-like creativity to bring these little Buddhas to life.  It is ok to color outside the lines, too!
Jizo is the embodiment of the Bodhisattva Vow, the aspiration to save all beings from suffering. He/She is the protector of women, children, and travelers in the six realms of existence.
 Amida Buddha's great Vow to save all beings is at the forefront of our hearts and minds as Shin Buddhists.  Namu Amida Butsu is the call of Amida...just for YOU, just for YOU.....

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Nudge - Week 7 - Larger Sutra Mandala

Week 7

Larger Sutra Mandala

Compared with the Taima Mandala, very little has been known about the Larger Sutra Mandala. The original painting, modelled on the Taima Mandala, was presumably made in the middle of the Edo period, i.e., the 18th century. Then its wood-block prints were produced and distributed in limited circulation. Those prints were painted in yellow-gold and brilliant colors, and explanatory notes painted in gold on strips of black paper were pasted on the relevant scenes of the mandala.

Larger Sutra Mandala  - Here is your link to the Amida Net website run by my teacher Rev. Hisao Inagaki (Zuio).

This website is a study guide to the three Pure Land Mandalas.  One can find great inspiration in the beautiful artwork that is meant to convey the Pure Land Teachings.

Some of the many features of the Larger Sutra Mandala are:

Jewelled ground (ch. 20, 21)

Jewelled pond (ch. 16)

Jewelled trees (ch. 14)

Dance and music (ch. 10, 27)

Use these features for your creative "nudge" for week 7.  Be inspired by the images, the message it conveys to you and the feeling you experience while looking closely a the painting. Now take that experience and transfer that to your own journal.  If someone found your journal years from now, what message would you want it to convey?  What lesson would you want it to teach?  What inspires you, will inspire others!   Namu Amida Butsu.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Nudge - Week 6 - What's in the Name?

Week 6

What's in the Name?

Chanting “Namu Amida Butsu,” which translates as “I entrust myself to the Buddha of Infinite Light and Life,” is not a form of petitionary prayer or mantra. It is a means of communication between a relative being or consciousness and the Buddha deep within. When I chant, there is the expression of Namu Amida Butsu not only from this side, but also from the side of the Buddha. ~ from a Tricycle Interview with Revs. Mark and Taitetsu Unno.

What words and images come to mind when you think of the word "entrust".  This week's journal nudge encourages you to reflect on the word "entrust" and use this reflection to create this weeks page in your Amida52 journal.

Some beautiful pages to nudge your creativeness:



Sunday, February 2, 2014

Nudge - Week 5 - Ice and Water

Nudge - Week 5

Ice and Water

“By benefit of Infinite Light, true entrusting is magnificent. The ice of desire is melted to become the water of Nirvana. Our desires are the essence of Nirvana, like the relation of ice and water. The more ice, the more water: the more desire, the more Nirvana.” 
~ Shinran Shonin

This week, let your journal page reflect Shinran's words.  The ice of desire is melted by the Dharma and becomes the water of Nirvana.  Amida's compassion warms our heart and opens the darkness within us.

Ideas/words for this week's journal page:

watercolors pencils
watercolor paint
images of water and ice

Try something new this week for your journal page.  There is no right or wrong way to create your Amida52 journal...this is not a test...this is a journey....this is a reflection of you!

A beautiful page to nudge your creativeness:


Namo Amida Butsu
